Angular cli has rich features of generating components, providers, modules and many more. Angular cli can also be used for build production ready product and serve the project for local environment. Usage of Angular cli ng generate command To generate the component ng generate component component_name To generate the modules…
Category: Softwares
How to create a new project of angular ?
Before start the article i would suggest you to read our article what is angular and installation process. To create a new angular app follow the below steps: Open the terminal or command line Go to the folder in which you want to create your new angular project Example: E:/angular…

What is Angular and how to install angular ?
Angular is a framework of javascript. It’s used for creating efficient and single page application with ease. We can define the angular as follow: Angular is a component based component framework. Angular is collection of libraries which include routing, forms, validations, http requests etc. Angular is easy to use and…
How many type of methods in Restful api?
Restful api is very useful today while creating a mobile application or web application. Restful api or Http request methods There is 4 types of method of http request. Post Get Put Delete Patch 1. Post method Post method is widely used to fetch the content of a form or…
How to start, stop and restart apache linux ?
Before start i hope you know well about the apache, if not then you can read this article what is apache and install on ubuntu. Commands to start, stop, status and restart the apache are as follow: Start Apache in ubuntu command line sudo service apache2 start Restart Apache in…
What is apache web server and install on ubuntu?
Apache is a web server which is used to serve the http request from a client computer. A client can open a webpage to view the website using web browsers like chrome, firefox etc. and browsers sent their requests to web servers like apache http server. How to install Apache…
How to enable cors in web api php or laravel?
Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) is mechanism which allow browser to share the resources between the other domain or port. if the cors is disabled in api or server then other domain can’t access the apis and resource of server. Example: if a server A wants to access the apis of server…

How to get folder paths using helpers in laravel?
Laravel has helpers to get folder paths using helpers in laravel and by which we can easily get root folder, public folder, assets folder, storage folder, app folder etc. Laravel has helpers to get the path of root folder, public folder, assets folder, storage folder, app folder. To get the…
How to Import mysql database using command line?
Mysql has rich features for users like they can easily import and export database, create table, relations, store procedures, triggers etc. In the same way mysql has own command to import and export the mysql database. First find the mysql can open the terminal in ubuntu/Mac or command line…
How to increase maximum file upload size in php ?
Php is the most used language in web. sometimes it required to upload the files which is greater then 2 mb. In php default upload size is 2 mb and if we wanted to increase it then we have multiple ways to change the size of uploading. 1. Change from…