Angular provides built-in library for validation, in the same way it gives validation methods to validate the string and numbers length as well. so in this tutorial i am going to explain how to use min length and max length validation in angular. In angular validation library it provides different…
Category: Angular

Remove hash from URL in angular 12 and deploy to server
From the first install angular come with hash URL routing and it’s defined in app-routing.module.ts. To remove hash from URL we need to change useHash key to false. Angular runs it development application ng server and whenever we wanted to deploy the application we need a server like Apache or…

Create custom form control in angular 12 / 13
In this article i will show you to use FormControl in child component. By default child component can not access the FormGroup and we can not use FormControl or FormControlName in parent child component approach. You can also read How to make reusable components in angular? for how child and…

What is ng-container in angular 12 ?
In this article we will learn about the ng-container of angular. ng-container is a logical container where we can add condition and it will never show in dom tree. so, basically we can say that ng-container is useful where we want to apply some condition or change in logical layout…
How to use ngFor and ngIf on same element in angular 12 ?
In this tutorial we are going to resolve the issue of using *ngFor and *ngIf on same element. so, in angular ngIf and ngFor is a structural directives, and we can not use two structural directive on same element.ngIf is used for to make conditional logic and ngFor is used…

How to Create Custom Directive in Angular 12?
In this tutorial we will learn to create the custom directive in angular and how to use them in our project. Custom directives are those directives by which we can enhance the html capabilities and can bind custom attributes, methods to it. We can reuse them in any element or…

ng init alternative in angular 2
In angular js we have ng-init directive to process the expression or initialize the any variable in html view but in angular 2 we do not have any option to initialize variable or expression in html template, so in this tutorial we will learn how to implement ng init like…
How to submit multipart form data in angular reactive form ?
In this tutorial, you will learn uploading a multipart reactive form in angular using HttpClient. In a webpage uploading files as multipart form data is a important aspect. If you are a new then you can read What is Angular and how to install angular ? So, for this tutorial…

Password and confirm password validation in angular ?
Angular provides built-in library for validation but it doesn’t have built in validation for Password and confirm password validation in angular. so in this tutorial i am going to explain how can we make custom validation for this same as angular built-in validations. Confirm password most useful utility when we…
How to create a service in angular?
Services are same as class with a specific purpose of it. Services can contain method, property and any feature of an application which we can reuse multiple time in our web application. Services also contain a decorator which tell angular how to consume it in our application. Let’s create a…