PHP is widely used langauge in world of web. PHP is an open sourece language and free for everyone. It’s a server side scripting lanaguge which compiles on server and can embedded with html too. Currently, there is three version are available of PHP that are as below PHP 5…
How to install MySQL in Ubuntu?
MySQL is a most popular and open source relational database. it provides multi user support with a many storage engines. in this tutorial we are going to install MySQL in Ubuntu. Let’s begin with simple steps: Step 1 : Open terminal in Ubuntu and install MySQL package Here, we are…
What is composer and how to install composer?
Composer is a dependency manager tool for PHP. Using the composer we can manage the package dependency and version of the packages. Composer is different from npm (Node package manager) and apt-get because it only contain the dependency of project. Composer creates a compose.json file to contain the information about…
How to Install php apache mysql(Lamp) and phpmysadmin on Ubuntu
In this article we will learn to Install php apache mysql(Lamp) and phpmysadmin on Ubuntu. PHP, Apache MySQL and phpMyAdmin is most useful part to run a web application like PHP. In this tutorial we will cover installation of PHP 7, Apache, MySQL and phpMyAdmin. Here is the list of…
Password and confirm password validation in javascript
In this tutorial, we will cover password strength validation , password not empty validation and confirm password validation. we will check on every submission of form whether the entered password pass or fail the criteria. Password Strength validation in javascript Password field must contain At least 8 characters Should be…
How to Setup Client side javascript validation ?
In this tutorial we will learn javascript validation without using any third party library. we will validate the simple form with 5 inputs fields. Let’s start with simple steps Step 1: Create a html file Firstly we are going to create html file which contains a form with basic fields….
How to setup simple jQuery form validation?
In this tutorial, we are going to learn jQuery form validation using jQuery validation plugin. this plugin have many features like to validate text, email, phone number , sync Ajax request etc. Let’s begin with step by step guide: Step 1: Create a html file Firstly we are going to…
How to upload file in php ?
In this tutorial, we will learn basic of uploading of a file in php and also basic configuration required for php file upload. Configure the php.ini for large file upload By default php support 2 mb of file upload but in real world we require more than 2 mb. Same…
How to submit multipart form data in angular reactive form ?
In this tutorial, you will learn uploading a multipart reactive form in angular using HttpClient. In a webpage uploading files as multipart form data is a important aspect. If you are a new then you can read What is Angular and how to install angular ? So, for this tutorial…
Password and confirm password validation in angular ?
Angular provides built-in library for validation but it doesn’t have built in validation for Password and confirm password validation in angular. so in this tutorial i am going to explain how can we make custom validation for this same as angular built-in validations. Confirm password most useful utility when we…