In this blog post we will learn laravel image upload. Laravel 10 offers robust functionality for uploading and processing images, which is often a basic requirement for websites, ranging from setting up a profile picture to providing necessary documents. With Laravel 10, image uploads can be handled with enhanced security…
Category: Softwares

How to print raw sql query in eloquent laravel ?
In this article we will learn to print raw sql query in eloquent laravel. Sometime to debug the MySQL query in laravel eloquent we need to echo raw sql query and want to know exact query. In laravel we have multiple methods to print database query in laravel 8 and…

How to assign or declare variable in laravel blade template ?
Laravel blade is a powerful templating engine that gives you a lot of control over your HTML. One thing you can declare variable in laravel blade template easily by using different methds. This can be useful if you want to reuse a piece of data in your template, or if…

How to Get Current Url in Blade File Laravel ?
Sometimes in our application we want to Get Current Url in Blade file Laravel because we want to add specific conditions to show the data on behalf of current url. It can be complete url, route name and query params too so that we can fetch the data accordingly and…

Collection Count and Check Empty Eloquent Collection in Laravel
In this article we will learn collection count and detect or check empty eloquent collection in laravel. Laravel collection is used to simplify the operations of array. Illuminate\Support\Collection library is used to handle the collection and arrays in laravel. Laravel heavily used collections in eloquent query builder to result the…

How to check user agent in angular ?
In this post, we will show you how to check user agent in Angular. user-agent header is a string that contains information about the browser and operating system. It is set by the browser and sent to the server with every request. It can also be used to determine if…

How to use laravel whereNotIn query with example ?
In this guide we will learn to create SQL not in query using laravel whereIn eloquent builder. whereNotIn laravel can used multiple ways to build the query one the of the feature of laravel eloquent is creating dynamic query based on condition and sub queries too. To create where not…

How to use moment js in angular ?
This post covers how to use Moment.js in Angular. We’ll go over why Moment.js is useful, how to install it, and how to use it in Angular to manipulate dates and times. Moment.js is a powerful and flexible library for manipulating dates and times in JavaScript. It has been around…

How to get laravel application root path ?
In this blog post, we’ve shown you how to get laravel application root path directory. If you need to get the path from anywhere in your application, you can use the Laravel public_path() helper function. If you need to get the path to your application’s storage directory, you can use…

How to get random rows in laravel example ?
In this blog post, we’ll take a look at how to get random rows in Laravel database. We’ll explore the use of the QueryBuilder, Eloquent, and the DB facade. laravel has inbuilt eloquent method to get the random records from database using the inRandomOrder method. we will understand the random…