In this tutorial we will learn to implement custom validation rule in Laravel 8. Laravel has too many validation rules but sometime we feel some rules are missing according to our project need. so, in this article we will learn to implement custom reusable validation rule and implement the username…
Category: Softwares

How to generate qr code in Laravel 8?
In this article we will learn to generate the qr code in Laravel. we will use a simple example to generate the qr code. As we know qr code is stand for Quick Response and we can scan and get the information from it. we can use qr code in…

How to Clear cache in Laravel 8 ?
Cache is used to improve the performance of web application using caching the views templates, queries, CSS, JavaScript etc. Cache improves the performance by serving the cached pages and improves the speed of website but sometime develops face issues like they change something in Laravel application but it does not…

How to create custom middleware Laravel 8
In this tutorial we will going to learn custom middleware Laravel 8. Middleware are used to create a layer between request and response of the http request. it filters or create a logic before the request serve to the controller and also filter or modify the response. we can also…

How to Create Custom Directive in Angular 12?
In this tutorial we will learn to create the custom directive in angular and how to use them in our project. Custom directives are those directives by which we can enhance the html capabilities and can bind custom attributes, methods to it. We can reuse them in any element or…

ng init alternative in angular 2
In angular js we have ng-init directive to process the expression or initialize the any variable in html view but in angular 2 we do not have any option to initialize variable or expression in html template, so in this tutorial we will learn how to implement ng init like…

Laravel 8 routing with example
In this post we will learn to implement the Laravel 8 routing and how it’s different from Laravel other versions. Laravel routing is used to create the URL for each POST, GET requests and it works as a bridge between the controller or html view. In this article we will…

How to validate a form in Laravel 8 with example ?
Laravel has inbuilt validation library to validate the input, post and get payload. Laravel has many validation like to validate the image, array, exist in database table, unique, regex etc. In this tutorial we are going to learn the validation on input for using Laravel validation library. We will use…

How to connect PHP to MySQL ?
PHP is commonly used in the world of web. PHP has many built in tools to connect with different drivers and in this tutorial we are going to use MySQL driver to connection between PHP and MySQL. There is two to connect database in PHP 5 and later version. MySQLi…

How to install laravel 8 ?
Laravel is most popular framework of PHP. It provides lots of in-build tools and library to build the web application. Laravel is used to to create robust custom web applications with ease of amazing developer experience. Laravel is easily customizable and provides tools like ORM, Validation libraries, Queue, Mail, Routing,…