Restful api is very useful today while creating a mobile application or web application.
Restful api or Http request methods
There is 4 types of method of http request.
- Post
- Get
- Put
- Delete
- Patch
1. Post method
Post method is widely used to fetch the content of a form or uploaded file from client browser.
In php we get fetch data
<?php $_POST POST /save/1 { "title": "skwee357", // New "email": "" // new email address }
2. GET method
Get method is used the fetch the query string from url or from a form but form should be small.
In php example
<?php $_GET GET /save?title=test
3. PUT method
Put method is used when we are updating the form or resource but it includes all entity(fields) to update.
PUT /save/1 { "title": "skwee357", "email": "" // new email address }
4. DELETE method
Delete method is used to delete the componenet
PUT /delete/1
5. PATCH method
Patch method is used for update the existing data or resource but it is used when we are updating single field not all.
PACTH /save/1 { "title": "skwee357", }