PHP is commonly used in the world of web. PHP has many built in tools to connect with different drivers and in this tutorial we are going to use MySQL driver to connection between PHP and MySQL. There is two to connect database in PHP 5 and later version. MySQLi…
Month: September 2021

How to install laravel 8 ?
Laravel is most popular framework of PHP. It provides lots of in-build tools and library to build the web application. Laravel is used to to create robust custom web applications with ease of amazing developer experience. Laravel is easily customizable and provides tools like ORM, Validation libraries, Queue, Mail, Routing,…

How to install PHP 8.0 in Ubuntu 20.04 LTS ?
In this tutorial we will learn to install PHP 8.0 on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS using PPA. PHP 8.0 is the latest version of php and it have many upgrades. Installation process is same as How to install PHP on Ubuntu? or How to Install multiple/different version of PHP? Step 1…

How to Install multiple versions of PHP?
Sometimes it’s required to install the different version of PHP rather then the default one of Ubuntu Repository System. To install the different version we will follow the basic steps before installation of PHP Step 1 : Add ppa:ondrej/php to Ubuntu system Open the terminal or ssh connection and then…

How to install PHP on Ubuntu?
PHP is widely used langauge in world of web. PHP is an open sourece language and free for everyone. It’s a server side scripting lanaguge which compiles on server and can embedded with html too. Currently, there is three version are available of PHP that are as below PHP 5…
How to install MySQL in Ubuntu?
MySQL is a most popular and open source relational database. it provides multi user support with a many storage engines. in this tutorial we are going to install MySQL in Ubuntu. Let’s begin with simple steps: Step 1 : Open terminal in Ubuntu and install MySQL package Here, we are…

What is composer and how to install composer?
Composer is a dependency manager tool for PHP. Using the composer we can manage the package dependency and version of the packages. Composer is different from npm (Node package manager) and apt-get because it only contain the dependency of project. Composer creates a compose.json file to contain the information about…

How to Install php apache mysql(Lamp) and phpmysadmin on Ubuntu
In this article we will learn to Install php apache mysql(Lamp) and phpmysadmin on Ubuntu. PHP, Apache MySQL and phpMyAdmin is most useful part to run a web application like PHP. In this tutorial we will cover installation of PHP 7, Apache, MySQL and phpMyAdmin. Here is the list of…

Password and confirm password validation in javascript
In this tutorial, we will cover password strength validation , password not empty validation and confirm password validation. we will check on every submission of form whether the entered password pass or fail the criteria. Password Strength validation in javascript Password field must contain At least 8 characters Should be…

How to Setup Client side javascript validation ?
In this tutorial we will learn javascript validation without using any third party library. we will validate the simple form with 5 inputs fields. Let’s start with simple steps Step 1: Create a html file Firstly we are going to create html file which contains a form with basic fields….