Break and continue statements are used to change the flow of program. lets see the difference and usage of both. Break as the name implies it terminate the current loop and execute the next line of code. Continue do not terminate the loop rather then it skip the current iteration…
Month: July 2021
What is Access Modifiers ?
In object oriented programming(oops) to set the visibility of classes, variables and methods we are using access modifiers. So Access modifiers are used the encapsulation of class properties. There are three types of access modifiers in any language (Php, java or c etc. ) Private Protected Public 1. Private Access…

Disable SSH or IP bounded on any ubuntu server?
Open SSH to everyone is a security risk. we can change these settings easily in 2 minutes. let’s have quick solution on this. Open file /etc/hosts.deny with using vi or nano editor. Command : sudo vi /etc/hosts.deny then add below line to the file. sshd,sshdfwd-X11 : ALL it will look…

How to disable automatic change detection strategy in angular component?
In angular all components by default take the changes as any event occur, but sometime we disable automatic change detection strategy in angular. Thus, to detach the two way binding in component we can use changeDetection strategy in component metadata. Angular Change Detection Strategy is simple to implement using the…